DNA paternity testing determines the biological father of a child. We all inherit our DNA from our biological parents — half from our mother, and half from our father. A DNA paternity test compares a child's DNA pattern with that of an "alleged father" to determine if there is a match. When performed correctly in an experienced laboratory, it's the most definitive proof of a biological relationship.

Legally Binding Paternity Test

PRICES Starting at JUST $299

(Lowest Price. Guaranteed.)

If you need paternity test results that can be used as a legal document, then a Legal DNA Test must be performed. Listed below are some common legal reasons that this test is used for:

  • Child Support

  • Birth Certificate

  • Court Order

  • Child Custody

  • Tax Forms

  • Adoption

  • Immigration

  • Will/Estate

  • Military Benefits

  • Other Legal Reasons

A legal paternity test requires that all tested parties have their DNA samples collected at one of our certified facilities. Here's how to get started:

STEP 1: Give us a call at 1-888-571-2220. Or, choose which location from LOCATIONS above and schedule online!

STEP 2: The two parties that are required for testing are the alleged father and child*. We routinely use the painless buccal (cheek) swab to collect samples. 

If the alleged father is not available, we have other options. We can also test paternal grandparents, aunts/uncles, male lineage and siblings.

STEP 3: Once we have collected your samples they will be mailed overnight directly to our laboratory for testing. We don’t make any guarantees on turnaround time, though results typically come out in 3-5 business days. We offer an expedited service for $40 in which results are returned in 2 business days (once the laboratory receives our o/n Fedex samples).

STEP 4: We will contact you immediately by phone with your test results. The original, notarized documents will then be mailed to the address you indicated on your paperwork at the time of your appointment. We can also e-mail your results in addition to mailing them. 

At Home Paternity Testing

If you do not need a DNA test for a legal matter — but just need a paternity test strictly for your own knowledge — you have the option of purchasing a Home DNA Test. The tested parties collect their own DNA samples and mail them to our laboratory. When you call to place an order or order online, we will send you a DNA kit within one business day and explain the step-by-step completion process. Before ordering a home test, please consider the legal test if you believe the results will ever be used beyond personal knowledge — this way, you won't have to purchase another test in the future.

What makes us different from other at-home tests on the market:

  • We use the exact same laboratory procedures on our home test as we do our legally binding test

  • We Priority Mail the kit to you

  • We include prepaid overnight UPS packaging to return your samples to our lab (Domestic shipping only)

  • All results are double-tested by two sets of doctors to ensure accuracy

  • We guarantee 99.9% or better on all inclusions (he is the father)

NOTE: We can also use cut fingernails, q-tips, etc. for an additional charge. Call us at 888-571-2220 for more details. Also, your credit card statement, the packaging and automated e-mails will read NW DNA Testing. If you’re needing a stealthier option, then please call our office :-)

starting at $225

Home DNA Test for Paternity


I need you to ship kits to 2 separate locations

Only add this to your cart if you need us to ship kits to 2 separate locations. This fee pays for the extra processing time, outbound USPS Priority Mail fee and for the extra prepaid overnight UPS return shipping supplies which we include with every kit (domestic shipping only). 

I am using unusual samples (cut fingernails, q-tips, hair, etc.)

We send our industry standard buccal cheek swabs with our kits. If you prefer not to swab one or more of the parties for this test, you can submit an unusual sample in place of the swabs. 


  • You need to add this to your cart for each person you're submitting unusual samples for
  • Cut fingernails have the highest success rate, followed by q-tips from ear cleanings. Highly recommended over other sample types. 
  • This fee covers only 1 type of sample per person
  • If submitting hair, we need 10-15 and they must have the follicle attached (shed or cut hair does not work)
  • This process can add 5-10 business days to the overall turnaround time
  • If the sample you submit turns out not to be viable, you will have to pay this fee again and provide an additional sample if you want to continue with the testing process